Task 10: Metabolic processes.

Hey, there in this post, it is going to be about metabolic processes, as the title speaks for themselves. Generally, there are three major types of metabolic processes that I’ve encountered multiple of times. They are glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain, respectively. On top of that, we also had another Problem-based learning (PBL) session that specifically highlights on those metabolic processes. The trigger of the PBL session can be seen below:

A 23-year old man developed an irregular heart rhythm, complained lethargy, tremor of hands and arms. He complained about anxiety, sweating and hunger. Biochemical investigation on blood revealed blood sugar levels is 2.7 mmol/.”

Therefore, our discussion was mainly to relate the situation based on the trigger with the metabolic processes, as well as possible prognosis of the man’s actual condition. Nevertheless, we have managed to come up with a conclusion that the man is hypoglycemic. We have also prepared a FILA table based on our learning issues. The FILA table can be referred in the attachment below:

On top of that, our subgroup have also prepared a Youtube video explaining on the metabolic processes. We have tried our best to come up with our utmost creativity to summarize the metabolic processes despite them being a lengthy and quite convoluted process. Not to forget that, we also refer to the lecture notes to make sure that the content of the video is well-produced and in a correct flow. Below shows the link to our video on Youtube, don’t forget to check them out!

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