Task 11: Self-reflection on Biochemistry

Hello there, as for this post, this is somehow the last writing post I will be doing. It is somehow sad, and quite despondent. Nevertheless, I would like to share my thoughts and experiences on this course, the journey I had alongside the tasks given, not to forget our beloved lecturer, Dr. Hashimatul, with herContinue reading “Task 11: Self-reflection on Biochemistry”

Task 10: Metabolic processes.

Hey, there in this post, it is going to be about metabolic processes, as the title speaks for themselves. Generally, there are three major types of metabolic processes that I’ve encountered multiple of times. They are glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain, respectively. On top of that, we also had another Problem-based learning (PBL)Continue reading “Task 10: Metabolic processes.”

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